Silicon Metal Company of Australia

We will always have a 'safety first 'approach to everything we do.
Health & Safety

Being committed to the safety and health of our staff and working contractors is Simcoa's highest priority.
Our Occupational Health and Safety Department oversees our site's safety requirements where the primary focus has and always will be on 'safety first'. From regular safety bulletins, safety meetings, reporting obligations to the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation & Safety, monthly reporting to the Board and quarterly and annual systems reviews, our safety mechanisms are monitored, evaluated, and continually improved for the wellbeing of our people and the productivity of Simcoa overall.
All personnel have a responsibility for their own safety and for those they work with and Simcoa provides them with the equipment, processes and procedures necessary to maximise personal and plant safety. Involving staff in the formulation and implementation of our safety and health program is critical to our ongoing success.
A range of health and safety programs have been implemented to control risks, identify areas of concern and prevent and treat injuries. Our incident management system works to record all incidents, identify the root causes, record the mechansims employed to resolve the issues and to ensure the incidents do not reoccur. This system applies not only for health and safety incidents, but also those where quality, environment, plant or community has been impacted.
Significant resources are also invested in training. Our inductions, competencies, emergency response, first aid and other such safety training programs ensure all staff know how to act in the safest possible manner at all times.
On a broader scale Simcoa also participates in programs with neighbouring industrial plants and local emergency services to be prepared in the event of an emergency at a nearby location.
Our most highly trained health and safety individuals are our Emergency Response Team who are trained in first aid and emergency response procedures in readiness to act 24 hours a day.