Silicon Metal Company of Australia

Each and every one of us at Simcoa is responsible for Quality.
Our customers expect the best and they trust us to give it to them.

Our silicon manufacturing process starts, flows and ends with quality
Simcoa is a customer focused company, so our commitment to quality is fundamental. It underpins our management philosophy whereby we endeavour to provide a space in which all employees are able to contribute to product quality.
Additionally, with our dedication to mutually beneficial and trusting customer relationships we can also work cooperatively with our customers to manufacture a product that meets their precise requirements.
It is a continuous improvement process that allows people and technology systems to constantly question and improve; the ultimate aim being to produce and deliver a product that at a minimum satisfies our customer's requirements, but hopefully exceeds it. With these critical considerations at the forefront of our minds, we can ensure Simcoa's long term viability and provide secure employment for our valued workforce.
This fundamental philosophy is not new to Simcoa. We have proudly maintained ISO9001 Quality Management Systems certification since 1993, with our latest certification, ISO9001:2015, being achieved at the end of 2023.​ In times of great competitiveness this accreditation gives our customers confidence that they will receive the correct product, on time. With that said, our quality management system goes further than this as it importantly contributes to reducing waste and inefficiencies on site as well as improving plant performance.
Plan-Do-Check-Act approach
Production control
Process control
Equipment control
Preventative maintenance
Incident reporting
Corrective action
Resource control, training etc
Internal audits
Risk and opportunities focus
Continual improvement
Quality document and record management
Compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations